Acne Treatment

Aerolase laser technology offers a new approach for highly effective, long-term effects with low recurrence rates for treating active acne including problematic conditions such as severe and cystic acne, acne on dark skin, and acne on the torso. LightPod lasers’ light-based therapy offers an effective, alternative treatment approach for all acne patients of any age or skin type, but also for patients who have not responded to traditional therapies and for those patients who either cannot take or who do not want to take oral medications including isotretinoin.

  • Deep heating power
  • Eliminates systemic therapies
  • Highly effective on severe forms of acne - The highly powerful yet gentle laser light superheats the p. acnes bacteria in the sebaceous gland and surrounding skin to effectively destroy the bacteria, reduce oil and sebum output and to help reduce any swelling or inflammation. Due to this, most patients report less irritation and drier skin directly after treatment as opposed to a common waiting period for oral medications to adjust the body’s chemistry. This offers patients immediate relief, which is highly important for patients with severe of cases.

How Have We Advanced the Treatment of Acne?


Laser therapy for the treatment of acne has a dual benefit for both patients and providers. Patients who have been long-time acne sufferers and have no other treatment options may finally have a chance for clearance and are readily willing to pay their provider out of pocket for that chance. Many practitioners have enjoyed adding this service to their business to boost revenue as well as help struggling patients. Many patients have seen significant clearance with just several treatments.

With the LightPod lasers’ 650-microsecond laser technology, the practitioner can now effectively and safely treat both pediatric and adult acne patients, regardless of skin type (Caucasian, Asian, Indian or African, Hispanic etc.) and reduce the need for antibiotics. Advancing the safety and efficacy of light-based modalities for acne, 650-microsecond technology now sets a new standard with its many scientific advances.


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01. Get to know Dr. Rafal.
02. Help her understand you and your goals.
03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“The consultation was wonderful. I felt like Dr. Rafal was really trying to get to know me, and what I wanted.”



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